Sunday, July 29, 2012

Final Project

I've spent the week working on my final project. Although it was a lot of work, I'm pleased with the results as it will be a permanent, online record of my learning in the Assessment in E-Learning class. I chose the image above for my final project website, a small plant being nurtured, as a representation of my growing and learning about E-Learning. As you will see, I've learned so much about new ways to use assessment in online classes. I hope you enjoy reviewing my project.

Assessment in E-Learning Final Project

Saturday, July 21, 2012


This week we had some great conversations about formative assessment and cybercoaching. I'm a big fan of cybercoaching. When I facilitate a class, I learn as much from the students as they learn from me. We all become cybercoaches as we post our work and give feedback to each other. This is my preferred way to learn. I'm glad that this is how our Assessment class is structured. I'm learning so much from the instructor and from my fellow students.

I want to continue to learn about various tools I can use for cybercoaching. Jing is one that I've found to work well. I've used Voice Thread a little bit and hope to use it more. Last week at a conference, I learned about Vyou. I hope to try that one as well. I would like to research these and other ways to incorporate more cybercoaching in my classes.

I also worked on my pre-course survey this week. I've used pre-course surveys in the past but our instructor added another twist. She suggested we add "warmth" to the survey. I really like this idea. It's another way to welcome the students to my class and help them get to know me a little bit better. Anything I can do to help this happen in an online class is beneficial. It's so important that students know I am there - a real person behind the material! Check out my survey (by clicking on the link below) and see if you think the "warmth" is there.

Pre-Course Survey Link

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bloom's Taxonomy

The week was a bit challenging for me as I was in New Orleans all week at the Blackboard Conference. I learned a lot and found the learning to be a great complement to this class, however, it was difficult to keep up with everything as they kept us very busy at the conference. In class this week, we had a meaningful activity of taking some of our course objectives and tying our class activities to them using Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom's Taxonomy is such an important piece for any class because it's too easy to fall into an "assign reading and then test mode", especially in an online class. By really analyzing each activity and making sure that we have activities for each level, we provide the students with a much richer learning experience. Creating this week's taxonomy table gave me the opportunity to categorize some of my class activities and really think about their value in meeting the course objectives. I enjoyed looking at my classmates' tables and learning how they each apply Bloom's Taxonomy in their particular disciplines.

Now for fun, see Homer Simpson's Application of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Example of Bloom's Taxonomy in Action:

Class: Educational Psychology (for Faculty)

Bloom categories

Learning objective verbs


(recall, list, define, identify, collect, label)
The students will define four different educational theories.
The students will identify their personal educational philosophy.
Students watch short videos on four different educational psychologists.

Students take the Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory to identify their own philosophy.

(summarize, describe, interpret, predict, discuss)
The student will summarize an educational theory.
Students will discuss educational philosophies.
In a wiki, students choose an educational psychologist and summarize his/her theory.

In the discussion board, students discuss which philosophy they most closely identify with and why.

(apply, demonstrate, illustrate, classify, experiment, discover)
Students will demonstrate how they will use multiple intelligences to reach their students.

Students demonstrate how they will use at least 4 of the 8 multiple intelligences in a class activity.

(analyze, classify, connect, explain, infer)
Students will compare and contrast different educational theories.

Students compare and contrast the different educational theories in small group activity.

(combine, integrate, plan, create, design, formulate)
Students will design learning activities for their particular class.

Students design learning activities that incorporate different learning styles.

(assess, recommend, convince, compare, conclude, summarize)
Students will summarize their learning with a final project and written philosophy paper.
Final Project: Students use the information on educational theories, multiple intelligences and learning styles to create a lesson plan for their particular class. Lesson is presented to the class with opportunities for feedback from their colleagues.

Using what they have learned about educational theories, multiple intelligences and learning styles, students write their personal teaching philosophy.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Midterm Already!

This week we ended our 4th week of class, officially putting us at Midterm! We had a great Midterm assignment called a Jigsaw. Our team of three members worked closely together to create a document about online assessment tools (Assessment Toolbox). We each chose a different online assessment tool and worked together in Google Docs to combine our individual research into one document (hence the "jigsaw"). Our team "met" several different ways - in the D2L Chat Room, by email, in the D2L discussion board and in Google Docs. I was surprised and pleased by how well this all came together! It was a great example of how well online groups can collaborate!

I'm anxious to see all of the other groups' Toolboxes. When we put all the documents together, we will have a nice resource guide for future reference.

For those interested, our group's Assessment Toolbox document is here. Feel free to share in the Comments area other tools that you have used.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Perfect e-Storm

This week I spent time looking at predictions from 2004 and how these predictions are now in place. Things like wikis, blogs, web 2.0 tools are now being used by many instructors for assessment in online classes. I also looked at the Educause Horizon Report that discussed mobile technology and its impact on the world of education. Here I've included a video from Dr. Curtis Bonk who discusses "Trends on the Horizon." I like to explore and think about "what's next." We're seeing some things peeking over the horizon - like MOOCs and students taking their entire online class on their phones. One of the things I really appreciate about online learning is that it's always changing. That is exciting to me!

Assessment Concept Map

I created my Assessment Concept Map using A great way to create a visual for planning purposes.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Class Wiki

Our Assessment in eLearning Class wiki is located at: This is where our class collaborates to create assessment ideas.