Sunday, June 24, 2012

Blogging in the Classroom

This week in my Assessment in eLearning class, we talked a lot about blogs in the classroom. I have found blogs to be a useful tool in the classroom. It's almost as if the students "have the podium" at any given time. Our Learning Management System (Blackboard) includes a blogging tool. Each student sets up their blog the first week of class by introducing themselves in the blog. Throughout the class, they have a choice as to how they submit certain assignments. One of the choices is on their blog. The blog allows me to determine student learning as they offer their insights on the material we are covering throughout the semester.

I also thought a lot about learner-centered teaching this week. I've always been a strong proponent of learner-centered classrooms. I've noticed that some of the faculty I work with find this a bit frightening. It's as if they are giving away "power" in their class. It does take a leap to move to a learner-centered classroom because it is most likely different than the classroom we are used to from our own educations. Lots of good things to think about this week as we continue to learn about assessment in eLearning. 

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